BATEP And COVID-19 Considerations

Safety of the students who attend the Bay Area Training and Exercise Program (BATEP) sponsored courses is paramount. Students, instructors, and host agencies must work together to reduce the spread of COVID-19. To achieve this goal, the BATEP team developed a protocol for students, instructors, and host agencies to follow. Students who register for courses will receive protocol information before, during, and after the training course. Students and staff are expected to adhere to protocol guidelines.

Before registering for a training course, please consider the following:

  • If you have underlying health conditions, please do not register for training OR consult your physician for advice on whether to attend training
  • Our courses will follow the WHO, CDC, CDPH, OSHA and local county public health COVID-19 protocols and guidelines, however, we cannot completely eliminate the risk of contracting coronavirus

On the day of your training course, if you are sick or feel sick, please stay home and do not attend the course. We ask that you notify us at if you are not able to attend.

If you have questions regarding our COVID-19 protocol, please contact the BATEP team at